
After running the main function of cNMTF, score.cnmtf you have a workspace with the consensus clusters of patients and SNV scores. In this section we will compare the SNV scores between clusters to observe the relative importance of each SNV on a trait. Those SNVs with high delta score, \(\Delta \Omega\), will be prioritised for further analysis:

The delta SNV score

In our results, we can expect clusters of patients enriched either in cases or controls because we are integrating \(V_o\). The difference of SNV scores between the cluster of cases and the cluster of controls is calculated for the \(s\)-th SNV as \(\Delta \Omega_{s} = \Omega_{s,2} - \Omega_{s,1}\).

The function analyze.cnmtf will read the clustering results of your experiment(s) and calculate the delta scores:


analyze.cnmtf (  trait.project = "test", #Trait under analysis
                 name.exp = c("my_experiment", #Experiment under analysis 
                 work.dat = "./test/", #Folder with the results of score.cnmtf
                 alpha.cnmtf = 0.005,   #Significance level of the scores
                 d.conf = NULL, #Optional. Confounder variables.
                 snps.known = NULL, #Optional. List of SNVs associated with the disease
                 snps.known2 = NULL, #Optional. A second list of SNVs.
                 tmap = NULL) #Mapping of SNPs to genes, chr and genomic position

This function performs the following tasks:

  • Assesses the significance of the delta scores.
  • Creates Manhattan plots for the dispersion of delta SNV scores.
  • Computes Logistic Regression Models (LRMs) for the same set of variants.
  • Compares the prioritised variants of cNMTF and LRMs using Venn diagrams.

The arguments for this function are explained below.

The input data

The workspaces generated with score.cnmtf will be reading from work.dat. You must declare the name of the experiment name.exp = "my_experiment". The output files will be labelled with the argument trait.project = "test".

Significance of the delta scores

In the previous section, we generated 100 randomisations of your phenotypes. These randomisations will define the null distribution of \(\Delta \Omega\) in your data. Here, we set a significance level, alpha.cnmtf = 0.005, and prioritise variants in the tails of the distribution. Thus, cut-off points at \(( \frac{\alpha}{2}, 1 - \frac{\alpha}{2} )\) are obtained from the cumulative distribution function.

Optional arguments

The function analyze.cnmtf will also fit a LRM for each variant to explain the status of the patient. As an option, you can provide a dataframe of patients by confounder variables to correct the results of the LRM (d.conf). You can provide two lists of variants (e.g., SNVs known to be associated with the outcome) and the function will highlight those variants in the Manhattan plots (snps.known and snps.known2 will be coloured in black and green, respectively). The list of variants provided in snps.known will also be included in Venn diagrams comparing LRMs and cNMTF results.

Main outputs

In the working directory work.dat you will find three main files. The first file, delta_results_my_experiment.pdf contains Manhattan plots for the dispersion of delta SNV scores and the p-values from LRMs.

Figure. Manhattan plots for the p-values from LRM (left) and delta SNV scores from cNMTF (right). Variants are ordered according to their chromosomal location. Variants beyond the significance cut-offs (dotted lines) are prioritised by both methods, cNMTF and LRM.

The second file, cluster_results_my_experiment.pdf contains dispersion plots for the clusters of patients, variants and the SNV scores.

Figure. Clusters of patients (left) and SNV scores from \(\Omega\) matrix (right). Patients are coloured by their outcome (red: cases, blue: controls). The variants in the second plot are coloured by their minor allele frequency (MAF) (red: rare (MAF < 0.01), orange: low-frequency (0.01 < MAF < 0.05), yellow: common variants (MAF > 0.05)) .

The third main file, score_results_my_experiment.RData is a workspace containing the set of prioritised variants. We will use this file to create an output table of annotated variants for your analysis.

Prioritised variants

In this final step we use the function annotate.results to map the variants to genes and add their functional annotations:


t.res = annotate.results( name.exp = "my_experiment", #Define experiment id
                          work.dat = "./test/", #Working directory
                          add.david.annotations = TRUE, #Use DAVID web service
                          email.david = "myemail@account.com", #Email registered in DAVID.
                          add.ensemble.conseq = FALSE, #Add SNV consequences from ENSEMBL
                          tmap = tmap, #Mapping of SNPs to genes, chr and genomic position
                          file.LD = "./test/fileLD.RData", #Workspace with pairwise LD
                          ld.tao = 0.8 #Treshold of LD
                          snps.known = NULL, #Optional. List of known associations.
                          snps.known2 = NULL, #Optional. A second list of SNVs.

#Extract table of prioritised variants
    t.snvs = t.res[[1]]

The annotations are retrieved from the DAVID web service using functions from the library RDAVIDWebService (Fresno et al., 2013). If you want to use their web service you must register your email account(email.david), otherwise you can omit this step: add.david.annotations = FALSE.

Other optional fields to be included in the final table of prioritised variants are:

  • The SNV consequences from ENSEMBL, add.ensemble.conseq = TRUE
  • A list of SNVs in high linkage-disequilibrium with the prioritised variant. You must set the threshold ld.tao = 0.8 to search these SNVs within the same gene region.

> t.snvs

        snp    dscore known entrezgene pvalue trait   ID  Gene.Name OMIM_DISEASE 
1 rs9568238  2.605395     -       5925      0  test 5925  RB1       109800~Bladder cancer
2 rs4238327 -3.507768     -       4734      0  test 4734 NEDD4      -

KEGG_PATHWAY                                GOTERM_BP_DIRECT
1 hsa04110:Cell cycle,hsa05161:Hepatitis B  GO:0000075~cell cycle checkpoint
2 hsa04120:Ubiquitin mediated proteolysis   GO:0002250~adaptive immune response

The function annotate.results prints the following tables in work.dat:

  • prioritised_snvs_my_experiment.csv: The table of prioritised variants
  • prioritised_genes_my_experiment.txt: The set of mutated genes and their prioritised variants.
  • enrichment_analyisis_test.txt: Enrichment analysis from DAVID web service for the mutated genes.

This is the end of the documentation for cnmtf package. A full script concatenating these functions is presented here.

You are very welcome to submit any query by contacting the corresponding author and follow the development of this package in Github.